The Family Enrichment Weekend and My Family! The Kincaid Family
From Julie and Dennis Kincaid, and their boys Kacy, Brett, and Tyler. (Julie sent this thank you letter to her local newspaper).
Dear Editor,
We recently attended a Family Enrichment Weekend put on by Families Together for People with Disabilities. FTPD is a national organization that enriches and strengthens families by building family unity through recreation and learning. They create an atmosphere of acceptance, love, and excitement that is different from anything I have experienced before.
This weekend was the first of its kind that my family has attended. Anticipating it, I was very apprehensive but also determined to go and give it a try.
What we experienced there is hard to describe but watching my boys interact with children of different abilities, watching them grow and learn from experiences I could never have provided tor them- and watching them bond with each other strengthen -was more rewarding than I could have imagined. And all this happened to them without them even realizing it!! They had so much fun.
My son with a disability is only two years old . He will grow up attending Family Enrichment Weekends and I know he will look forward to them. It’s about them – for a couple of days the world as they know it has adapted to them and they don’t have to struggle with adapting to the world.
I will forever be grateful to all the staff for the work that they do and the “gifts” that they gave my family last weekend. Due to their efforts families of children with disabilities can have the opportunity to feel supported, to feel special and to feel “normal.”
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